Jensen Auto Inc

Jensen Auto Inc

Auto Repair in Madison, WI

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Home Fuel and Energy

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1233 Regent St,
Madison , WI 53715 UNITED STATES


Jensen Auto Inc 608-257-9201
1233 Regent St,
Madison , WI 53715 UNITED STATES
Jensen Auto Inc 1

Based on 2 reviews

Jensen Auto Inc 608-257-9201
1233 Regent St,
Madison , WI 53715 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dishonest and bad with people

I had the opposite experience of the other review and wanted people to be warned. They worked on my car for a while and charged a lot of money for what turned out to be a really small problem once I took my car elsewhere. They were...
posted at 12/09/10
Jensen Auto Inc 608-257-9201
1233 Regent St,
Madison , WI 53715 UNITED STATES
1 5

Dishonest and bad with people

I had the opposite experience of the other review and wanted people to be warned. They worked on my car for a while and charged a lot of money for what turned out to be a really small problem once I took my car elsewhere. They were...
posted at 12/10/10

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Jensen Auto Inc
Auto Repair
1.0 (2 reviews)
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Jensen Auto Inc

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