Hyundai of Louisville

Hyundai of Louisville

Auto Dealers in Louisville, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


6633 Dixie Hwy,
Louisville , KY 40258 UNITED STATES

About Hyundai of Louisville

Hyundai of Louisville is a family owned business and we thank you for considering us! We strive to provide our automotive consumers with an exceptional shopping experience, while providing consumer benefits that are above our competition. And we want these benefits to be delivered by trained and experienced employees that focus on providing great customer service. We also believe in being active in the communities where we do business and in giving back to those communities. For all these reasons we proudly say, “We’re the Hyundai Car Guys, We Know Cars”!


Hyundai of Louisville 502-214-4200
6633 Dixie Hwy,
Louisville , KY 40258 UNITED STATES
Hyundai of Louisville

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Hyundai of Louisville
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Hyundai of Louisville

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