Sam Swope Infiniti

Sam Swope Infiniti

Auto Dealers in Louisville, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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8 Swope AutoCenter Drive,
Louisville , KY 40299 UNITED STATES

About Sam Swope Infiniti

Our goal at Sam Swope Infiniti Louisville is to make your car buying experience the best it can possibly be. We offer a wide variety of new and used cars, service specials, and Infiniti parts savings.

Sam Swope Infiniti Louisville is also your destination for high quality, competitively priced used vehicles in the Louisville and Lexington KY area. All our used inventory comes from some of today’s top auto manufacturers, complete with a detailed auto inspection by our technicians to ensure top quality.

Do you need financing for your new vehicle? We have financial experts on site to help you with a payment plan that fits your individual needs.

Our maintenance and auto body repair mechanics are some of the area’s best in their field. We want you to have all the resources to keep your new or used vehicle in top condition. So schedule your service appointment with Sam Swope Infiniti Louisville today!

We won't ever make a sale that our customers will end up being unhappy with. We're proud to represent the Sam Swope Auto Group in Louisville, KY as an Infiniti dealer that strives for 100% customer satisfaction. Conveniently located off I-64 & S. Hurstbourne Pkwy in Louisville, KY we are just a short drive from Lexington, KY and Indianapolis, IN. We hope you come to visit us soon.


Sam Swope Infiniti 877-333-3410
8 Swope AutoCenter Drive,
Louisville , KY 40299 UNITED STATES
Sam Swope Infiniti

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