Chez Seneba African Restaurant

Chez Seneba African Restaurant

Caterers in Louisville, KY


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4218 Bishop Ln,
Louisville , KY 40218 UNITED STATES


Chez Seneba African Restaurant 502-473-8959
4218 Bishop Ln,
Louisville , KY 40218 UNITED STATES
Chez Seneba African Restaurant 2

Based on 1 reviews

Chez Seneba African Restaurant 502-473-8959
4218 Bishop Ln,
Louisville , KY 40218 UNITED STATES
2 5

order to go only

I went there today because I saw the good review online . I had a totally different experience . I explained the lady at the front that it was my first time eating there and I asked if she could help me with the menu she simply walked off...
posted at 03/06/11

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Chez Seneba African Restaurant
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Chez Seneba African Restaurant

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