Pray Law Firm

Pray Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in North Little Rock, AR

Lawyers and Law Firms

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3807 McCain Park Dr, #108
North Little Rock , AR 72116 UNITED STATES

About Pray Law Firm

The attorneys at Pray Law Firm PA have years of experience fighting for the rights of the clients they serve. Located in Cabot, AR, they are the top choice for legal counsel in the North Little Rock area. The attorneys at Pray Law Firm PA are experienced in family law, bankruptcy, child custody cases, and personal injury litigation.

If you require legal services, Pray Law Firm PA is ready to hear your case and defend you to the fullest extent of the law. No matter what your needs may be, their versatile and experienced attorneys will help. Whether you’re seeking legal advice or need to address a pressing legal issue, they will take the time to give each case the personal attention it deserves.

When representing you in marriage and family law cases, you can trust that they will handle all your affairs and provide the best advice. From divorce to child custody, they will work tirelessly to bring you the outcome you deserve.

No matter which area of their expertise you seek, rest assured that their attorneys provide expert legal counsel tailored directly to your specific case. By remaining up to date on the latest developments in the various fields of child custody, bankruptcy, personal injury, and family law and by offering legal services at an affordable rate, they have gained a great reputation in the communities they represent. To contact Pray Law Firm PA, call (501) 771-7733 today, or visit them online to set up a free consultation.


Pray Law Firm 501-771-7733
3807 McCain Park Dr, #108
North Little Rock , AR 72116 UNITED STATES
Pray Law Firm

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