Frank Shoop

Frank Shoop

Auto Dealers in Georgetown, KY

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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1470 Cherry Blossom,
Georgetown , KY 40324 UNITED STATES

About Frank Shoop

Frank Shoop has been Central Kentucky's premier automotive dealership since it was established in 1985. We carry Chevrolet, Buick, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and RAM as well as a large selection of pre-owned inventory. Priding ourselves on quality vehicles and a low-pressure family friendly atmosphere, we have created a comfortable way to purchase vehicles. Our sales consultants are trained and certified on all of our brands and provide you with a professional buying experience. Each vehicle is inspected thoroughly and priced competitively. At Frank Shoop your purchase is not just a number. We love our customers and want you to be completely satisfied!


Frank Shoop 800-775-1089
1470 Cherry Blossom,
Georgetown , KY 40324 UNITED STATES
Frank Shoop

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