Insight Communications

Insight Communications

Mass Media in Lexington, KY

Mass Media Television Stations

Contact us


2544 Palumbo Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES


Insight Communications 859-514-1400
2544 Palumbo Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES
Insight Communications 4

Based on 1 reviews

Insight Communications 859-514-1400
2544 Palumbo Dr,
Lexington , KY 40509 UNITED STATES
4 5

Insight is the Sherrif of Nottingham

Unfortunately Robin Hood is nowhere to be found. CNET reports that America is FAR behind the rest of the world when it comes to Internet Bandwidth (speed). Insight has lowered our speeds, increased our rates, then launched a...
posted at 11/16/10

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Insight Communications
Mass Media
4.0 (1 reviews)
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