Pannell Swim Shop

Pannell Swim Shop

Hobby & Model Shops in Lexington, KY

Hobby & Model Shops Sporting Goods Clothing

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148 W Tiverton Way, Ste 100
Lexington , KY 40503 UNITED STATES


Pannell Swim Shop 859-272-7946
148 W Tiverton Way, Ste 100
Lexington , KY 40503 UNITED STATES
Pannell Swim Shop 5

Based on 1 reviews

Pannell Swim Shop 859-272-7946
148 W Tiverton Way, Ste 100
Lexington , KY 40503 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great customer service

My child needed goggles and the employees were quick to help and personally fitted the goggles. I will shop here again
posted at 11/30/10

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Pannell Swim Shop
Hobby & Model Shops
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Pannell Swim Shop

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