Stella Kentucky Deli

Stella Kentucky Deli

Restaurants in Lexington, KY


Contact us


143 Jefferson St,
Lexington , KY 40508 UNITED STATES


Stella Kentucky Deli 859-255-3354
143 Jefferson St,
Lexington , KY 40508 UNITED STATES
Stella Kentucky Deli 5

Based on 1 reviews

Stella Kentucky Deli 859-255-3354
143 Jefferson St,
Lexington , KY 40508 UNITED STATES
5 5

Absolutely LOVE Stella's Deli!

I work in the area (Church St) and there are some days where I just have to have a sandwich from Stella's. My favorites are the Fried Green Tomato BLT and the Apple Kentucky Bleu Cheese sandwich with bacon. The burgers are delicious, too....
posted at 06/11/11

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Stella Kentucky Deli
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Stella Kentucky Deli

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