J W's Steakhouse

J W's Steakhouse

Restaurants in Lexington, KY


Contact us


1800 Newtown Pike,
Lexington , KY 40511 UNITED STATES


J W's Steakhouse 859-231-5100
1800 Newtown Pike,
Lexington , KY 40511 UNITED STATES
J W's Steakhouse 3

Based on 1 reviews

J W's Steakhouse 859-231-5100
1800 Newtown Pike,
Lexington , KY 40511 UNITED STATES
3 5

great place for receptions

It is a hotel, but dining is good. The bar area is low key until late night, the food is typical and slightly over-priced. A great place for receptions. Great service with a smile.
posted at 05/21/10

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J W's Steakhouse
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J W's Steakhouse

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