Eau Claire Wesleyan Church

Eau Claire Wesleyan Church

Churches in Eau Claire, WI

Churches Synagogues

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2405 Keith St,
Eau Claire , WI 54701 UNITED STATES


Eau Claire Wesleyan Church 715-832-7305
2405 Keith St,
Eau Claire , WI 54701 UNITED STATES
Eau Claire Wesleyan Church 5

Based on 2 reviews

Eau Claire Wesleyan Church 715-832-7305
2405 Keith St,
Eau Claire , WI 54701 UNITED STATES
5 5


I have found Eau Claire Wesleyan Church to be family friendly and their Vacation Bible School is the best!
posted at 06/21/10
Eau Claire Wesleyan Church 715-832-7305
2405 Keith St,
Eau Claire , WI 54701 UNITED STATES
5 5

Love it!

We came to EC Wesleay three years ago and it has become our family. The contemporary worship service is led by a band and the traditional worship uses the good old hymns. There is something for everyone!
posted at 06/21/10

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Eau Claire Wesleyan Church
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Eau Claire Wesleyan Church

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