Lee W Purdy Od

Lee W Purdy Od

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Stanley, WI

Eye doctors & Optometrists

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203 N Broadway St,
Stanley , WI 54768 UNITED STATES


Lee W Purdy Od 715-644-2710
203 N Broadway St,
Stanley , WI 54768 UNITED STATES
Lee W Purdy Od 5

Based on 1 reviews

Lee W Purdy Od 715-644-2710
203 N Broadway St,
Stanley , WI 54768 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Doctor in the previous review is gone!

In 2006 the previous Dr. (Dr. Purdy) had a heart attack and closed up the office. Several months later 2 doctors from Chippewa Falls (Dr. Lon and Dr. Denise) opened a part-time office there. They have two great employees that are there...
posted at 03/22/11

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Lee W Purdy Od
Eye doctors & Optometrists
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Lee W Purdy Od

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