Crown & Goose

Crown & Goose

Restaurants in Knoxville, TN


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123 S Central St,
Knoxville , TN 37902 UNITED STATES


Crown & Goose 865-524-2100
123 S Central St,
Knoxville , TN 37902 UNITED STATES
Crown & Goose 4

Based on 1 reviews

Crown & Goose 865-524-2100
123 S Central St,
Knoxville , TN 37902 UNITED STATES
4 5

Fun Hang Out

Crown and Goose is a fun hang out in the Old City. They have a good selection of cheese trays to pair with wine. In the evening they generally have great live music. They have a wonderful Sunday brunch as well.
posted at 02/14/10

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Crown & Goose
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Crown & Goose

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