Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center

Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center

Auto Repair in Johnstown, PA

Auto Repair Car Wash Gas & Service Stations

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3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES


Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 5

Based on 5 reviews

Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fast and Friendly

never received faster or friendly service before. Highly recommend!\r
appointment was not needed. walked in expecting to be there for an hour, was surprised when they called my name 10 minutes later and my car was finished!
posted at 01/05/11
Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
5 5


Fast and friendly service.\r
Oil change only took 10 minutes. I have been back since then for other work on my car and was again very impressed with the service.\r
posted at 08/13/10
Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
5 5

excellent service

They offer an oil change package that includes oil change, air filter check, wiper check, fluid check, tire pressure check, and more. They occasionaly have rebates on the oil change package. The service for the oil change is relatively...
posted at 01/05/11
Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
5 5


this is the best place in Johnstown for oil changes, brakes, transmission repair and everything in between. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff. recommend to all!
posted at 01/05/11
Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center 814-266-4321
3124 Elton Rd,
Johnstown , PA 15904 UNITED STATES
5 5

Dont Confuse Jet Lube

they recently detailed our car along with a transmission flush. my car looked brand new and the owner couldnt have been nicer. I would recommend this place to anyone! it's not Jiffy Lube on Scalp its JET LUBE ON ELTON ROAD. Dont get them...
posted at 01/05/11

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Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (5 reviews)
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Jet Lube Auto Maintenance & Detail Center

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