The Critter Catcher, LLC

The Critter Catcher, LLC

Home Services in Raymond, MS

Home Services Pest Control

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6542 Grandview Cove,
Raymond , MS 39154 UNITED STATES

About The Critter Catcher, LLC

Are you hearing scurrying around your home at night? Do you smell the presence of an uninvited guest? If you suspect you have some sort of infestation, reach out to The Critter Catcher. We're a wildlife removal company serving residential and commercial clients in the Raymond, MS area. Our goal is to corner the animal that's invaded your home so we can remove and relocate it safely. If the animal is injured, we'll try to heal its wounds so it can survive in the wild. Call 601-966-5539 right now if you need wildlife removal services. While you have us on the phone, talk to us about our maintenance plans to help you keep pests out of your home all year long.


The Critter Catcher, LLC 601-966-5539
6542 Grandview Cove,
Raymond , MS 39154 UNITED STATES
The Critter Catcher, LLC

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The Critter Catcher, LLC
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The Critter Catcher, LLC

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