Belzer, Frederick F

Belzer, Frederick F

Lawyers and Law Firms in Pocatello, ID

Lawyers and Law Firms

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850 East Center,
Pocatello , ID 83201 UNITED STATES

About Belzer, Frederick F

Fredrick F. Belzer has served the Pocatello and Southeast Idaho representing clients as an Attorney for over 30 years. He is experienced in but not limited to the following areas of law: adoption, divorce, elder law, estate planning and probate, family law, Indian law, and other legal affairs. Schedule your appointment today! Evening appointments available if necessary 30 plus years of experience Graduate of the New England School of Law Awarded the American Jurisprudence Award Member of the State Bar Association Admitted to practice law before the Shoshoe-Bannock Tribal CourtContact us today.


Belzer, Frederick F 208-234-7118
850 East Center,
Pocatello , ID 83201 UNITED STATES
Belzer, Frederick F

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