Auto Repair in Guntersville, AL
Auto Repair • Auto Parts and Accessories
628 Gunter Ave,
Guntersville ,
Lake City Auto & Tire in Guntersville, AL has been family-owned and operated for over 30 years. We have been serving customers with quality tires and auto repair for years. Visit our online catalog for tires from Cooper, Toyo, Continental, General, and more top selling tires. We also offer a small selection of used tires. Please call us for details.
Our techs have many years of experience to provide you with the best service. Stop by for an oil change, shocks, brake service, alignments, and other major and minor repairs on all foreign and domestic vehicles. We also provide 24-hour towing as well as free pick-up and delivery from work or home and return it for free within a 5 mile radius.
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