Valvoline Instant Oil Change

Valvoline Instant Oil Change

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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2029 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES

About Valvoline Instant Oil Change

Valvoline Instant Oil Change service centers are always ready to take care of your car or truck on the spot. For most of our services, you stay in your vehicle while our skilled technicians work on your vehicle. Only we have you back on the road in about 15 minutes or less. Save money today with our oil change coupons and specials. Find one of our more than 850 convenient locations near you and discover how our certified technicians can quickly and expertly keep you and your car or truck moving forward.


Valvoline Instant Oil Change 310-696-0160
2029 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
Valvoline Instant Oil Change 2.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Valvoline Instant Oil Change 310-696-0160
2029 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
1 5

Masters of Bait and switch!

Scam! Rip-off! Unethical business practices!\r
Okay so I printed out one of those 19.99 oil change coupons posted on the internet and I take it in.\r
First he tells me that I can get a full service oil change for ONLY $55.\r
posted at 03/07/11
Valvoline Instant Oil Change 310-696-0160
2029 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
4 5

Got the job done

I got yelled at when I came here because I didn't know where to stop my car. Look out for those stop signs, because if you keep going and you veer off course, your car will fall into a hole (this isn't that likely though unless you're stupid or not paying attention--I think I got the you're a girl and don't know what you're doing here treatment).

They tried to sell me their $99 fuel injection cleaning service (unnecessary) but didn't give me any trouble when I refused. I got an oil change for $30 with a coupon that came in the mail, plus a free car wash next door ($11 value).

They close at 6:30 or 7, but the car wash next door closes around the same time, so go earlier if you want to get your car washed in the same trip.
posted at 02/17/06
Valvoline Instant Oil Change 310-696-0160
2029 S Sepulveda Blvd,
Los Angeles , CA 90025 UNITED STATES
3 5

Service was o.k.

Last time when I had to do an oil change I went to this shop on Sepulveda. I had forgotten the discount slip and had a hard time to convince them that I really got it in the mail. Finally they gave in because they found my address in their system. I had also the impression that the mechanician I talked to thought that women don't understand anything about cars.
posted at 05/18/08

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Valvoline Instant Oil Change
Auto Repair
2.7 (3 reviews)
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Valvoline Instant Oil Change

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