Olender's of Enfield Inc.

Olender's of Enfield Inc.

Auto Repair in East Windsor, CT

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES


Olender's of Enfield Inc. 860-253-0342
1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES
Olender's of Enfield Inc. 4

Based on 4 reviews

Olender's of Enfield Inc. 860-253-0342
1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES
5 5

Exceeds Expectations

Have no clue what that negative review person was talking about -- these guys are, by far, extremely professional with their game on - a credit to their dad's legacy!!! Have never been there before and do not know these people. My car was...
posted at 08/20/11
Olender's of Enfield Inc. 860-253-0342
1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES
1 5


I always wonder how a place so mismanaged can stay in business so long. Then you learn or realize that it's not the first generation running it anymore. That means that maybe dad built a solid business, but junior is clueless and...
posted at 07/29/10
Olender's of Enfield Inc. 860-253-0342
1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES
5 5


My entire family has been dealing with these guys forever (I'm 70 years old,4 kids,11 grand kids) They are the best. Professional & courteous. Superb quality. We would never go any where else. Never disappointed.
Don't even consider any...
posted at 06/25/11
Olender's of Enfield Inc. 860-253-0342
1 Shoham Rd,
East Windsor , CT 06088 UNITED STATES
5 5


Olenders in East Windsor are Top Notch in all regards.Superb craftsmanship,courteous service,delivered auto as promised. No problems here at all. Any negative reviews reported are false.
posted at 04/15/11

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Olender's of Enfield Inc.
Auto Repair
4.0 (4 reviews)
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Olender's of Enfield Inc.

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