Leonard Tubbs

Leonard Tubbs

Auto Repair in Berlin, CT

Auto Repair

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89 Harding St,
Berlin , CT 06037 UNITED STATES


Leonard Tubbs 860-829-7377
89 Harding St,
Berlin , CT 06037 UNITED STATES
Leonard Tubbs 1

Based on 1 reviews

Leonard Tubbs 860-829-7377
89 Harding St,
Berlin , CT 06037 UNITED STATES
1 5

Awful Service

Absolutely horrible. I will never go there again. I was also very annoyed because a lot of people recommended this place to me and I am terribly disappointed! Extremely expensive, made repairs that I did not approve, and was very hard to...
posted at 10/20/10

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Leonard Tubbs
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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