Midas Auto Svc Experts

Midas Auto Svc Experts

Auto Repair in Rockville, Vernon, CT

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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67 Windsor Ave,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES


Midas Auto Svc Experts 860-875-4940
67 Windsor Ave,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES
Midas Auto Svc Experts 4

Based on 1 reviews

Midas Auto Svc Experts 860-875-4940
67 Windsor Ave,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great prices and Good service

Midas of Vernon offers competitive prices on brakes, shocks, struts, and routine maintenance. The staff is very knowledgable and friendly for a chain repair shop. They offer a Midas Touch package for an oil change and tire rotation that is cheaper than an oil change anywhere else. They also have a lifetime warranty on brakes and many other parts. I have had brakes and a catylitic convertor replaced here. I highly recommend Midas of Vernon.
posted at 06/08/08

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Midas Auto Svc Experts
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
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