Vernon Pizza

Vernon Pizza

Restaurants in Rockville, Vernon, CT

Restaurants Caterers

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1199 Hartford Tpke,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES


Vernon Pizza 860-872-4259
1199 Hartford Tpke,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES
Vernon Pizza 5

Based on 1 reviews

Vernon Pizza 860-872-4259
1199 Hartford Tpke,
Rockville, Vernon , CT 06066 UNITED STATES
5 5

Can you say Doggy Bag?!

I was looking for a place ot meet my husband after work. someplace casual and quiet where we could catch up on the day and have some dinner and a couple of drinks. Did I mention I was starving? I ordered pasta with seafood and a...
posted at 11/03/10

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Vernon Pizza
5.0 (1 reviews)
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