Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave

Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave

Restaurants in Springfield, MA

Restaurants Chinese Restaurants

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309 Berkshire Ave,
Springfield , MA 01109 UNITED STATES


Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave 413-827-8668
309 Berkshire Ave,
Springfield , MA 01109 UNITED STATES
Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave 4

Based on 1 reviews

Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave 413-827-8668
309 Berkshire Ave,
Springfield , MA 01109 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good chinese Food/ Large Portions

My children and I go to this Wong Wok at least once a month. We order 2 dinner plates and the food goes around the table for 4 of us! They don't seem to like giving out the duck sauce packets...you just have to ask, sometimes they make...
posted at 05/26/10

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Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Wong Wok House At Berkshire Ave

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