Brady Risk Management

Brady Risk Management

Business Consulting and Services in Huntington, NY

Business Consulting and Services

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24 West Carver St, 2nd Floor
Huntington , NY 11743 UNITED STATES

About Brady Risk Management

We provide a unique perspective in the development and structure of risk management programs for the buyer. We sit where the buyer sits, and engage with brokers, attorneys, TPAs, loss control experts, and numerous other partners required to structure an effective and responsive risk management program. In addition, we negotiate terms and conditions and compete on a daily basis with large national firms, so we have a deep understanding of the current market and appropriate pricing. We specialize in all aspects of the risk management equation-not only from a buyer’s perspective, but from a broker’s perspective as well.


Brady Risk Management 631-310-5470
24 West Carver St, 2nd Floor
Huntington , NY 11743 UNITED STATES
Brady Risk Management

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Brady Risk Management
Business Consulting and Services
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Brady Risk Management

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