Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat

Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat

Local Services in Newington, CT

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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190 Fenn Rd,
Newington , CT 06111 UNITED STATES


Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat 860-436-3808
190 Fenn Rd,
Newington , CT 06111 UNITED STATES
Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat 5

Based on 2 reviews

Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat 860-436-3808
190 Fenn Rd,
Newington , CT 06111 UNITED STATES
5 5

By far the best combination in the East Coast!!

Spin Cycle Cafe is definitely "As Good As it gets!" What more can you ask for in a laundry mat?? You can wash clothes at a Trendy Cafe, grab a bite to eat, and have a glass of wine all in one shot. The owners are very friendly, and...
posted at 09/29/10
Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat 860-436-3808
190 Fenn Rd,
Newington , CT 06111 UNITED STATES
5 5

Spin Cycle Cafe, a unique experience

A unique place to do your laundry, get a bite to eat, watch your favorite sport game on TV or enjoy one of the many entertainment shows they put on on the weekends. Easy on / off the highway. near CCSU. A place such as this, should...
posted at 09/29/10

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Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat
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5.0 (2 reviews)
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Spin Cycle Cafe Laundromat

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