Cat's Window Tinting

Cat's Window Tinting

Auto Repair in Waterbury, CT

Auto Repair

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1504 N Main St,
Waterbury , CT 06704 UNITED STATES


Cat's Window Tinting 203-756-6565
1504 N Main St,
Waterbury , CT 06704 UNITED STATES
Cat's Window Tinting 4

Based on 2 reviews

Cat's Window Tinting 203-756-6565
1504 N Main St,
Waterbury , CT 06704 UNITED STATES
4 5

Excellent guaranteed work

The customer that complained about one window was a bogus complaint left by a local tint shop. Cats honors any warranty work and after 18 years serving the
Warerbury area has a reputation for great service and pride in their work. We have...
posted at 07/25/11
Cat's Window Tinting 203-756-6565
1504 N Main St,
Waterbury , CT 06704 UNITED STATES
4 5

Bad Tint job

This guy screwed up a window with my tint, told me to come back to get it fixed .....and he was closed !

Get warranty and quote, FIRST !

posted at 02/27/10

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Cat's Window Tinting
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Cat's Window Tinting

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