George Harte Nissan

George Harte Nissan

Auto Repair in West Haven, CT

Auto Repair

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426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES

About George Harte Nissan

At our family-owned and -operated Nissan dealership in West Haven, CT, we care about you, the customer. With our unique selling process and transparent procedures, we strive to provide an inviting and supportive Nissan financing, sales, and service experience to all of Connecticut. Visit George Harte Nissan today!


George Harte Nissan 203-389-5701
426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES
George Harte Nissan 3

Based on 4 reviews

George Harte Nissan 203-389-5701
426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES
1 5

Terrible Service

My daughter bought an Infiniti from Harte Infiniti of West Haven. This is the first car that she has had that she bought herself. She decided on the SUV model. She received only one key and no manual for the vehicle. After numerous...
posted at 09/27/10
George Harte Nissan 203-389-5701
426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES
5 5

Customer focused,as always

I was a little leary of George Harte Nissan after having reading negative reviews on line. But I have to say after 4 years of excellent service here, they did not let me down. Last week, I had my Nissan Quest in the shop, and the bill was...
posted at 05/24/10
George Harte Nissan 203-389-5701
426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES
5 5

100% Customer Satisfaction

George Harte Nissan is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. George Harte, as a part of the Harte Auto Group, does not in any way condone any negative business practices of any kind and have taken measures to ensure our customers are...
posted at 02/27/10
George Harte Nissan 203-389-5701
426 Derby Avenue #1004,
West Haven , CT 06516 UNITED STATES
1 5


I have had two terrible experiences with George Harte Nissan in the past several months. My fiance and I were both faithful customers there and we will never return again. He purchased four new tires there less than 17 months ago. One...
posted at 04/10/10

Detail information

Company name
George Harte Nissan
Auto Repair
3.0 (4 reviews)
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