South Bay Lincoln

South Bay Lincoln

Auto Dealers in Hawthorne, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


5100 West Rosecrans Avenue,
Hawthorne , CA 90250 UNITED STATES

About South Bay Lincoln

Welcome to South Bay Lincoln where our goal is to provide excellent customer service one customer at a time. Together our team members work together guided by our principles of family, teamwork, respect and integrity to give our customers the best experience possible, while shopping for a new or pre-owned Lincoln vehicle. Let our expert sales team help you find the perfect vehicle. Or, once you become a South Bay Lincoln client, you have the option of scheduling appointments by filling out our online service appointment form. Also, if you have a need for parts, you can use our online parts order form at your convenience. At South Bay Ford we are all about making sure our customers leave satisfied. So stop by today and let us know how we can help you.



South Bay Lincoln 310-598-1908
5100 West Rosecrans Avenue,
Hawthorne , CA 90250 UNITED STATES
South Bay Lincoln

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South Bay Lincoln
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South Bay Lincoln

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