Forest Lakes Auto, Inc.

Forest Lakes Auto, Inc.

Auto Repair in Charlottesville, VA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


1792 Airport Rd,
Charlottesville , VA 22911 UNITED STATES


Forest Lakes Auto, Inc. 434-973-4768
1792 Airport Rd,
Charlottesville , VA 22911 UNITED STATES
Forest Lakes Auto, Inc. 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Forest Lakes Auto, Inc. 434-973-4768
1792 Airport Rd,
Charlottesville , VA 22911 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest, reliable & affordable!

Wow, I'm shocked to read some of these negative reviews because Forest Lakes Auto has done nothing but provide my wife and I with top shelf service for years and years. They've always been very up fro...
posted at 02/25/11
Forest Lakes Auto, Inc. 434-973-4768
1792 Airport Rd,
Charlottesville , VA 22911 UNITED STATES
1 5


Pressure you to do more than required to fix my problem.
posted at 01/18/10
Forest Lakes Auto, Inc. 434-973-4768
1792 Airport Rd,
Charlottesville , VA 22911 UNITED STATES
1 5

Go across the street instead

Having lived in this area for 25 years, this is THE WORST place I have ever been to. Two friends of mine charged way more than they were told bc they didn't get it in writing. They told us no labor ...
posted at 10/27/10

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Forest Lakes Auto, Inc.
Auto Repair
2.3 (3 reviews)
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Forest Lakes Auto, Inc.

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