Two Dudes Painting Co

Two Dudes Painting Co

Contractors in Lancaster, PA

Contractors Business Consulting and Services Wallpaper and Paint Supply

Contact us


750 Poplar St,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES

About Two Dudes Painting Co

What was once, just two dudes, the need for a summer job, and a Volkswagen Bus has blossomed into a thriving local business. The story of Two Dudes Painting Co. is not your average business story, but then again, Two Dudes Painting Co. isn't your average painting company. They weren't out to start a business. They were out in search of work. They decided to paint a house. Lacking the experience and knowledge of crafty veterans, Pete and Brian worked hard and made a commitment to their customers that continues today. Whether your needs are large or small, residential, commercial, or industrial; Two Dudes Painting Co. will be there with a professional, courteous, and efficient staff to supply what you need. Call for an estimate today!


Two Dudes Painting Co 717-396-1207
750 Poplar St,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES
Two Dudes Painting Co 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Two Dudes Painting Co 717-396-1207
750 Poplar St,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES
5 5

These Dudes R Tops!

I've used the Dudes for many years on my job. They have a well deserved reputation for outstanding work and they've earned it one job at a time. \r
I know I'll pay slightly more but in the long run it is worth every cent as there are...
posted at 06/20/11
Two Dudes Painting Co 717-396-1207
750 Poplar St,
Lancaster , PA 17603 UNITED STATES
4 5

Very Good Work

I didn't get to really see them in action since I was at work but the results speak for themselves. My husband stayed home while they did the work and he was immensely impressed by them and their professionalism. Our house looks...
posted at 11/24/10

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Two Dudes Painting Co
4.5 (2 reviews)
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