Pin Oak Service Center

Pin Oak Service Center

Auto Repair in Manheim, PA

Auto Repair

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97 Kreider Ln,
Manheim , PA 17545 UNITED STATES

About Pin Oak Service Center

At Pin Oak Service Center, providing fleet service for vehicles and big equipment is more than an afterthought, it’s our specialty. Since 1972, Pin Oak Service Center has specialized in delivering unsurpassed service for fleets of vans, pickups, cars, heavy duty trucks and equipment. Our experience is why we’re known as "The Fleet People".

Because of our relationship with our parent company B.R. Kreider and Son, we understand how important the performance of your fleet is to your productivity and that lengthy downtime is not an option. That’s why we make fleet service our #1 priority. Our ASE Certified Technicians have the experience and expertise to handle a vast array of repairs and are continually trained to accurately diagnose the repairs needed.

Our award winning services include: Fleet work, wheel alignment, heavy truck repair, RV repair, excavating equipment repair, car & light truck repair.


Pin Oak Service Center 717-898-2401
97 Kreider Ln,
Manheim , PA 17545 UNITED STATES
Pin Oak Service Center

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Pin Oak Service Center
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Pin Oak Service Center

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