Phil's Bar & Grille

Phil's Bar & Grille

Restaurants in Hershey, PA

Restaurants Bars Comedy Clubs

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852 Old W Chocolate Ave,
Hershey , PA 17033 UNITED STATES


Phil's Bar & Grille 717-566-2614
852 Old W Chocolate Ave,
Hershey , PA 17033 UNITED STATES
Phil's Bar & Grille 5

Based on 1 reviews

Phil's Bar & Grille 717-566-2614
852 Old W Chocolate Ave,
Hershey , PA 17033 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Place for Crab Cakes and Homemade Cuisine!

We had such a great time at Phil's in Hershey! The food was absolutely to die for, Phil did all the cooking and was kind enough to make the rounds about the Restaurant. After dinner we headed to the bar for a drink , it was a nice bar ,...
posted at 02/05/10

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Phil's Bar & Grille
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Phil's Bar & Grille

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