Hampton Baptist Church

Hampton Baptist Church

Religious Organizations in Hampton, VA

Religious Organizations Churches

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40 Kings Way,
Hampton , VA 23669 UNITED STATES

About Hampton Baptist Church

Although we are the oldest Baptist church in Hampton, modern information technology offers us this opportunity to expand our ministry in our third century of service, both to the wider community and to our members. Our church is located downtown in "Old Hampton" and has a long history of ministry to the people of the Virginia Peninsula. It was organized in 1791, during George Washington's first term, and the sanctuary in which we worship was built in 1883. We are inclusive in outlook and maintain affiliations with the Peninsula Baptist Association, the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Adopted in 2007, our Vision Statement helps to define who our church is and where we are going. We hope you will be interested in joining us for what we know is an exciting future for our church. From generation to generation, we will seek to proclaim the good news of God's grace by following the example of Jesus Christ who ministered to the needs of others through teaching, serving, and loving God and neighbors. In 1988, we adopted a mission statement, to help focus our resources on the tasks central to our purpose. Based on an ancient confession of early Christians, it defines who we are in terms of our message, ministries, and external relations.


Hampton Baptist Church 757-723-0707
40 Kings Way,
Hampton , VA 23669 UNITED STATES
Hampton Baptist Church

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Hampton Baptist Church
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Hampton Baptist Church

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