Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic

Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic

Acupuncture in Tucson, AZ


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5501 N. Swan Rd., Suite #249
Tucson , AZ 85718 UNITED STATES

About Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic

When One goes for acupuncture treatment, the pulse is taken in order to assess organs out of balance after which needles are used, on weekly basis to relieve discomfort and illness. On the average 10 or more weekly treatments are required to bring the body into balance.

I still use the same principles of traditional oriental medicine and instead of the pulse, use a computerized system called EAV or EDS which stands for electro-dermal screening, to measure the frequency output from each organ in order to assess how each organ is functioning. Combination homeopathic and/or herbal remedies are used to bring the body into balance.


Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic 520-991-5891
5501 N. Swan Rd., Suite #249
Tucson , AZ 85718 UNITED STATES
Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic 520-991-5891
5501 N. Swan Rd., Suite #249
Tucson , AZ 85718 UNITED STATES
5 5

wrong address and #. correct address is 1994 N. kolb Rd. Tucson, Az 85715. Phone # 520 991 5891
posted at 07/14/11
Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic 520-991-5891
5501 N. Swan Rd., Suite #249
Tucson , AZ 85718 UNITED STATES
4 5

wrong address and # listed here

The correct address is 1994 N. Kolb, Tucson Az 85715. the phone # is 520 991 5891
posted at 07/10/11

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Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic
4.5 (2 reviews)
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Acupuncture & Allergy Clinic

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