Betterton & Whitlow

Betterton & Whitlow

Auto Repair in Chesapeake, VA

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128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES

About Betterton & Whitlow


Betterton & Whitlow 757-547-3811
128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES
Betterton & Whitlow 3.5

Based on 4 reviews

Betterton & Whitlow 757-547-3811
128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES
2 5

Good work but way too slow

Been here for a number of years. The place is fantastic and they do good work. The problem is that, consistently over the past few years, you can leave a car with them in the morning and they'll not start on it until noon or later. That...
posted at 05/10/11
Betterton & Whitlow 757-547-3811
128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent customer service

Betterton and Whitlow has a great staff of mechanics. My car needed new tires, they recommended just the right ones and saved me a lot of money. My car now drives better than ever. I recommended them for their excellent service and...
posted at 01/05/10
Betterton & Whitlow 757-547-3811
128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place to take your car

I recently took my car to Betterton and Whitlow. They were very helpful in selecting new tires for my car and they saved me a great deal of money as well. I highly recommend them for their outstanding customer service and great pricing.
posted at 01/05/10
Betterton & Whitlow 757-547-3811
128 Tilden Avenue,
Chesapeake , VA 23320 UNITED STATES
2 5

Good but very slow

Been here for a number of years. The place is fantastic and they do good work. The problem is that, consistently over the past few years, you can leave a car with them in the morning and they'll not start on it until noon or later. That...
posted at 05/10/11

Detail information

Company name
Betterton & Whitlow
Auto Repair
3.5 (4 reviews)
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Betterton & Whitlow

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