Clemson Automotive Service

Clemson Automotive Service

Auto Repair in Clemson, SC

Auto Repair

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109 Anderson Hwy,
Clemson , SC 29631 UNITED STATES


Clemson Automotive Service 864-653-3344
109 Anderson Hwy,
Clemson , SC 29631 UNITED STATES
Clemson Automotive Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Clemson Automotive Service 864-653-3344
109 Anderson Hwy,
Clemson , SC 29631 UNITED STATES
5 5

Satisfied Customer

We took our Jeep there with transmission trouble and they went above and beyond what I would expect to help solve the problem. The next step would have involved work that was covered by the warranty and they advised that we take it to...
posted at 01/14/11

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Clemson Automotive Service
Auto Repair
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