Pig Out

Pig Out

Restaurants in Inman, SC

Restaurants Caterers Kosher Restaurants

Contact us


3001 New Cut Rd,
Inman , SC 29349 UNITED STATES


Pig Out 864-949-7431
3001 New Cut Rd,
Inman , SC 29349 UNITED STATES
Pig Out 5

Based on 2 reviews

Pig Out 864-949-7431
3001 New Cut Rd,
Inman , SC 29349 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best BBQ in this whole area

I am fortunate enough to be a certfied BBQ judge so I can speak with some authority when I say this is the best.You can't get better in a restuarant in this area. But don't take my word for it , Go there and try for your self. You won,t be disappointed. They close early ,5-6ish. You have to get there early for BBQ chicken .The beef hash is really good also. Great Place for lunch.
posted at 12/24/08
Pig Out 864-949-7431
3001 New Cut Rd,
Inman , SC 29349 UNITED STATES
5 5

great catering

Exceptional ribs, excellent chicken, baked beans, coleslaw - everything done to perfection.

Can't be beat
posted at 04/18/11

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Pig Out
5.0 (2 reviews)
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