Big Shang-Hi Buffet

Big Shang-Hi Buffet

Restaurants in Appleton, WI


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1919 S Oneida St,
Appleton , WI 54915 UNITED STATES


Big Shang-Hi Buffet 920-730-8929
1919 S Oneida St,
Appleton , WI 54915 UNITED STATES
Big Shang-Hi Buffet 3

Based on 1 reviews

Big Shang-Hi Buffet 920-730-8929
1919 S Oneida St,
Appleton , WI 54915 UNITED STATES
3 5

Big Shang Hi

Big Shang Hi is located on the corner of Oneida and Calumet. The food is a good price and the buffet has a lot to offer. The place is a slightly dirty place though
posted at 05/27/10

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Big Shang-Hi Buffet
3.0 (1 reviews)
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Big Shang-Hi Buffet

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