Ten-X Plastics

Ten-X Plastics

Wholesalers in Grand Rapids, MI


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610 Maryland Ave NE,
Grand Rapids , MI 49505 UNITED STATES


Ten-X Plastics 616-776-7350
610 Maryland Ave NE,
Grand Rapids , MI 49505 UNITED STATES
Ten-X Plastics 1

Based on 1 reviews

Ten-X Plastics 616-776-7350
610 Maryland Ave NE,
Grand Rapids , MI 49505 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do not use this Molder!!!!

I have tried to work with this molder over the past 3 years and had nothing but trouble. He will tell you of his high quality, but we never got a production run of good quality. He also used a material not approved by us twice. Now he is...
posted at 07/27/11

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Ten-X Plastics
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