Cedar Eyecare

Cedar Eyecare

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Cedar Springs, MI

Eye doctors & Optometrists

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26 S Main,
Cedar Springs , MI 49319 UNITED STATES

About Cedar Eyecare

Established in 1991, Cedar Springs Eye Care provides a list of optometry and vision-care services. Located in Cedar Springs, Mich., the company is operated by Dr. Scott L. Schomaker who graduated from the Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University. The eye clinic provides an array of services including comprehensive eye examination, contact lens care and training, and eye treatments for those suffering from conditions, such as diabetes, cataract and glaucoma. In addition to this, it offers optical products which include frames, sunglasses, contact lenses, and specialty lenses.


Cedar Eyecare 616-696-0830
26 S Main,
Cedar Springs , MI 49319 UNITED STATES
Cedar Eyecare

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Cedar Eyecare
Eye doctors & Optometrists
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Cedar Eyecare

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