

Restaurants in Howard City, MI


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101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES


Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
Latitudes 5

Based on 6 reviews

Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

vanilla bean

I live south of Grand Rapids and have no problem driving up north for a good meal!My favorites are seafood asiago and vanilla bean cheese cake, which are totally worth the drive! The wait-staff has...
posted at 02/03/10
Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

Big City Food and Service in Small Town

Good: This place is a diamond in the rough! Just a short drive from Grand Rapids and right off the expressway. Their Seafood is unbelievable along with with their tender juicy steaks. They have a...
posted at 02/01/10
Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great food and service

Latitudes is a great place to dine. Their food and service is wonderful. It is an excellent restaurant in a rural community. The added bonus is you don't have to drive to Grand...
posted at 02/04/10
Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

"Family" Favorite!

My sister discovered this place. Remodeled big ol' hotel is not much to look at from the outside, but the best food and service around. Rivals all the Big City places, so is very much worth the...
posted at 02/02/10
Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outstanding food!

The food at Latitudes is outstanding! I always get the special - whatever it is. It's usually something nontradional, that you can't find anywhere else. It never disappoints. My wife always...
posted at 02/06/10
Latitudes 231-937-7056
101 E Edgerton St,
Howard City , MI 49329 UNITED STATES
5 5

Latitudes restaurants

neighborhood place to go good food great employees-always friendly staff - could use new items on menu- but very consistantwe need more restaurants like this in Moncalm...
posted at 02/02/10

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