Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics

Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics

Pet Stores in High Springs, FL

Pet Stores

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232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES

About Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics


Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 386-454-7225
232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES
Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 2.5

Based on 4 reviews

Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 386-454-7225
232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES
1 5


Under lit and under filtered tanks, sick looking fish, no or very little knowledge of inverts, I cannot recommend this store to even my worse enemy.
posted at 12/18/10
Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 386-454-7225
232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES
4 5

Neat little fish store...

This is a neat little fish store. I am not at all a fish person. I have had a few guppies, goldfish and betas and that's all my experience with fish. They offer a large selection of pretty (and not so pretty) fish. They also can help you if you have a sick fish and recommend what to do. They even have bought a fish from me after a trip to the fair left us with a big what are we going to do with this? goldfish. They have a few other pets and it's a fun place to go checkout even if you are ready to buy.
posted at 11/02/05
Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 386-454-7225
232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES
4 5

Neat little fish store...

This is a neat little fish store. I am not at all a fish person. I have had a few guppies, goldfish and betas and that's all my experience with fish. They offer a large selection of pretty (and not so...
posted at 12/05/05
Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics 386-454-7225
232 Northeast 1st Avenue,
High Springs , FL 32643 UNITED STATES
1 5


Under lit and under filtered tanks, sick looking fish, no or very little knowledge of inverts, I cannot recommend this store to even my worse enemy.
posted at 12/18/10

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Company name
Blue Lagoon Aquatics And Exotics
Pet Stores
2.5 (4 reviews)
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