Jams Automobile

Jams Automobile

Auto Repair in Los Angeles, CA

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1335 S South La Brea Ave,
Los Angeles , CA 90019 UNITED STATES

About Jams Automobile

We have been servicing the Los Angeles, Culver City, Santa Monica community for 30+ years as a mechanic. I have been doing auto repairs for 40+ years. I opened my own Auto repair shop in 2002 here in Los Angeles. At Jams Automobile we do general repairs, car maintenance, electrical services, and A/C services . Here at Jams Automobile we take pride in offering our customers excellent service at a fair price.


Jams Automobile 310-558-8853
1335 S South La Brea Ave,
Los Angeles , CA 90019 UNITED STATES
Jams Automobile 5

Based on 1 reviews

Jams Automobile 310-558-8853
1335 S South La Brea Ave,
Los Angeles , CA 90019 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service for your vehicle

Jams Automobile offers great service. I have been taking my car there for 7 years and wouldn't recommend any other mechanic in Los Angeles. He even fixed my car when another mechanic put in bad parts. Jessie is very honest and his work...
posted at 06/20/10

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