Ford Troy S DVM

Ford Troy S DVM

Veterinarians in Clovis, CA


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13385 E Bullard Ave,
Clovis , CA 93619 UNITED STATES


Ford Troy S DVM 559-298-3331
13385 E Bullard Ave,
Clovis , CA 93619 UNITED STATES
Ford Troy S DVM 5

Based on 1 reviews

Ford Troy S DVM 559-298-3331
13385 E Bullard Ave,
Clovis , CA 93619 UNITED STATES
5 5

Skilled, honest, straightforward equine SURGEON

I don't know any person who has all of the answers all of the time....and fortunately our one reviewer does.

Dr. Ford is a skilled vet. Few have surgical boards behind them....this man offers you a lifetime of skill and experience to...
posted at 04/26/11

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Ford Troy S DVM
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