Lithia Nissan of Fresno

Lithia Nissan of Fresno

Auto Dealers in Fresno, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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5580 N. Blackstone Ave,
Fresno , CA 93710 UNITED STATES

About Lithia Nissan of Fresno


Lithia Nissan of Fresno 559-435-3500
5580 N. Blackstone Ave,
Fresno , CA 93710 UNITED STATES
Lithia Nissan of Fresno 2

Based on 2 reviews

Lithia Nissan of Fresno 559-435-3500
5580 N. Blackstone Ave,
Fresno , CA 93710 UNITED STATES
3 5

Poor after-sale service

We bought a Nissan Sentra from them last month. Their nature of service was so different from the other auto dealers (we visited a ton of them in Los Angeles before settling on this one). They were not quite eager to make a sale, but we...
posted at 10/26/10
Lithia Nissan of Fresno 559-435-3500
5580 N. Blackstone Ave,
Fresno , CA 93710 UNITED STATES
1 5

Service Department and Manager

Their service department personnel have very poor person to person communication. They do not know how to apologize for an inconvience and the manager could care less about a customer's feelings. I will urge all my friends and family to...
posted at 12/02/10

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Lithia Nissan of Fresno
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Lithia Nissan of Fresno

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