Red Barn Steak House

Red Barn Steak House

Restaurants in Fort Smith, AR

Restaurants Steakhouses

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3716 Newlon Rd,
Fort Smith , AR 72904 UNITED STATES


Red Barn Steak House 479-783-4075
3716 Newlon Rd,
Fort Smith , AR 72904 UNITED STATES
Red Barn Steak House 4

Based on 1 reviews

Red Barn Steak House 479-783-4075
3716 Newlon Rd,
Fort Smith , AR 72904 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good Steaks

Have eaten dinner here several times for company functions. Steaks are the speciality and are very good. Location is northwest of town and sort of out of the way. Seating is in old barn stalls and lighting is very dim.
posted at 02/14/10

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Red Barn Steak House
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Red Barn Steak House

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