The Lazy Flamingo

The Lazy Flamingo

Restaurants in Sanibel, FL

Restaurants Seafood Restaurants

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6520 Pine Ave,
Sanibel , FL 33957 UNITED STATES


The Lazy Flamingo 239-472-5353
6520 Pine Ave,
Sanibel , FL 33957 UNITED STATES
The Lazy Flamingo 3

Based on 1 reviews

The Lazy Flamingo 239-472-5353
6520 Pine Ave,
Sanibel , FL 33957 UNITED STATES
3 5

Average Sportsbar Food

I ordered the conch fritters and Caesar salad. My husband ordered the mesquite grilled grouper sandwich.

The Caesar salad was excellent, but the remaining food was ok; nothing to say "Hurrah" about. Grouper sandwich did fall apart...
posted at 06/22/10

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The Lazy Flamingo
3.0 (1 reviews)
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The Lazy Flamingo

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