Pet X Supplies & Tack

Pet X Supplies & Tack

Pet Stores in Howell, MI

Pet Stores Pet Care and Grooming

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132 W Highland Rd Suite 101, Suite 101
Howell , MI 48843 UNITED STATES

About Pet X Supplies & Tack

Pet X Supplies & Tack has the largest selection of raw diets in Howell, Mi with a strong emphasis on holistic natural care. Homoeopathic and herbal remedies. Strong expertise in both dogs and cats. Special emphasis on nutritional support.

You will only find the best in customer service and pet care at Pet X Supplies & Tack. All of our pet experts are here to help you and your pets in every way we can.

Types of Pets Pet X Supplies & Tack Carries Food and Supplies for:
Dog - Cat - Small Animal - Bird - Reptile

Pet Services We Offer:
Dog Training - Nutritional Counseling - local pet rescue

Service Areas:
Howell, Mi


Pet X Supplies & Tack 517-546-6740
132 W Highland Rd Suite 101, Suite 101
Howell , MI 48843 UNITED STATES
Pet X Supplies & Tack

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Pet X Supplies & Tack
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Pet X Supplies & Tack

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