Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Auto Dealers in Lake Orion, MI

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Body Shops

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3800 South Lapeer Rd,
Lake Orion , MI 48359 UNITED STATES

About Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge

If you're looking for a Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, or RAM, stop by Milosch's Palace where you'll get the best price and service in the area! Give us a call or stop by the dealership.



Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge 248-393-2222
3800 South Lapeer Rd,
Lake Orion , MI 48359 UNITED STATES
Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge 1

Based on 2 reviews

Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge 248-393-2222
3800 South Lapeer Rd,
Lake Orion , MI 48359 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unsatisfied Customer

We bought a new avenger in August 2010 and were not very happy about it from the very beginning. We only went with them because they were a couple thousand less. Our supposed salesman, couldn't be bothered to show us a car in the lot, as...
posted at 10/01/10
Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge 248-393-2222
3800 South Lapeer Rd,
Lake Orion , MI 48359 UNITED STATES
1 5

rating -5 stars

To Regina F/Unsatisfied Customer--- I too was told that my Sebring had one key - WEIRD ! The manager told me to call any dealership on the NEW Sebrings and ask if two keys were standard, because none of them come with two keys !! So your...
posted at 11/01/10

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Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Auto Dealers
1.0 (2 reviews)
used cars,  jeep,  dodge chrysler auto dealerships
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Milosch's Palace Chrysler Jeep Dodge

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