Bowers Chiropractic

Bowers Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Milford, MI


Contact us


216 E Commerce St,
Milford , MI 48381 UNITED STATES

About Bowers Chiropractic

Bowers Chiropractic Center has been serving the Milford area for thirty years. Patients with conditions such as neck and back pain, headaches, sciatica, allergies, and sinus trouble have been helped. This is accomplished by allowing the body to heal itself naturally. Misalignments of the spine (subluxations) interfere with the normal functioning of the body resulting in health problems. Using the latest chiropractic techniques, the spine is aligned relieving nerve misalignment and allowing the body to achieve optimal health.

Our office is conveniently located in downtown Milford at 216 East Commerce, two blocks east of Main Street across from the old stone church-like building. Call today to schedule an appointment!


Bowers Chiropractic 248-685-2623
216 E Commerce St,
Milford , MI 48381 UNITED STATES
Bowers Chiropractic

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